Providing liquidity to Zeru to earn interest
Users that deposit funds into Zeru not only earn a lending APY, but a share of profit from DeFi strategies, plus Zeru points! You can participate now on testnet to learn how Zeru works without using your own funds.
Get tokens from Faucet
Click Faucet in the Navbar, and click the Faucet button on the asset you wish to deposit
Click get Faucet
Confirm the Metamask transaction, tokens will be credited to your wallet when the transaction is complete.
How to Deposit
Go to the markets page and click actions on the asset you want to deposit, then select deposit.
Enter the amount you wish to deposit or click the Max button
Verify the details in the transaction overview then approve the token and confirm the transaction
Click Deposit and confirm the transaction
Deposit Successful, add zToken to your wallet to track your deposit balance in Zeru
zTokens are minted and burned upon deposit and withdrawal.
zTokens are interest-bearing tokens represented as 'zXXXX' in your wallet (example: zDAI for DAI).
The zTokens value is pegged to the value of the corresponding deposited asset at a 1:1 ratio. All interest collected is distributed to zTokens holders directly by continuously increasing their wallet balance.
Last updated