
Repay your loans to earn maximum rewards!

There is no fixed time period to repay a Zeru loan so long as the position’s health factor remains strong. However, loan fees will continue to accrue. Repaying a loan in full or in part will earn CTs, improve ZScore, count as activity towards Leaderboard, plus earn Zeru points!

How to Repay

Go to the Dashboard page to see the assets you borrowed and in the borrowed assets table click actions on the asset you want to repay then click repay.

Enter the amount you wish to repay or click the Max button to repay the maximum loan

Verify the details in the transaction overview then approve the token and confirm the transaction (if already approved then you can continue to the next step)

Verify the details in the transaction overview then click Repay and confirm the transaction

Repay Successful, New Credit Tokens and ZScore have been added to the user's wallet

What happens when users don't repay their loans?

  1. They lose their collateral or/and credit tokens which will be used to recover the loan

  2. Their ZScore will be burned (slashed) which brings bad reputation to the user wallet, in the future if they want to take Zero-collateral loan they have to start building ZScore from the beginning

Last updated